Thursday, August 28, 2008

Growth Chart

I saw a new doctor last week. After the obligatory weigh-in and a brief interview, he walked me over to the dreaded BMI chart. He pointed to one of the red squares on the chart. "This is where you were in January: Borderline Morbid Obesity." Then he mercifully slid his pointer finger through the group of blue boxes and stopped on a green square. "This is where you are today. No longer 'morbidly obese' or even 'obese', just on the high end of 'overweight. You've obviously been hard at work! I'm excited about what you'll be able to accomplish over the rest of this year." Plus on you, Doc!

This week, I took Mari Alice to her 2 year check-up. The nurse weighed her and congratulated her in a high pitched, sweet voice: "You are such a big girl! You weigh 32 pounds!" When I updated Philip on her stats, I realized 'I've lost a Mari'!Walking around in January was like walking through life carrying Mari on my hip. And now, I have figuratively set her down. For Good!