Wednesday, September 17, 2008

AAGGHH!  Luke and Anna and I did not get home until 6 pm.  Came in with a raging headache so I laid down for a few minutes.  Celina woke me up @ 7pm which meant I was late for a deacon's meeting.  Supper @ 8pm!  Dangit!  Anyway, a new day, a fresh opportunity to make good choices so that this body can serve God as long and as productively as He allows it.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Repeat after me, no more eating after 7pm! AAGGHH!

I would also love some accountability after ten days in Israel and one week in jet lag-land Celina and I are ready to lo-fat, lo-cal, work out ourselves back into shape.  When we started Loser I was nearly 190, now I am holding around 174, but have been as low as 169.  The key for me is the late night eating.  I am here and now committing myself to being accountable to this necessary discipline.
