Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

AAGGHH!  Luke and Anna and I did not get home until 6 pm.  Came in with a raging headache so I laid down for a few minutes.  Celina woke me up @ 7pm which meant I was late for a deacon's meeting.  Supper @ 8pm!  Dangit!  Anyway, a new day, a fresh opportunity to make good choices so that this body can serve God as long and as productively as He allows it.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Repeat after me, no more eating after 7pm! AAGGHH!

I would also love some accountability after ten days in Israel and one week in jet lag-land Celina and I are ready to lo-fat, lo-cal, work out ourselves back into shape.  When we started Loser I was nearly 190, now I am holding around 174, but have been as low as 169.  The key for me is the late night eating.  I am here and now committing myself to being accountable to this necessary discipline.


Thursday, August 28, 2008

Growth Chart

I saw a new doctor last week. After the obligatory weigh-in and a brief interview, he walked me over to the dreaded BMI chart. He pointed to one of the red squares on the chart. "This is where you were in January: Borderline Morbid Obesity." Then he mercifully slid his pointer finger through the group of blue boxes and stopped on a green square. "This is where you are today. No longer 'morbidly obese' or even 'obese', just on the high end of 'overweight. You've obviously been hard at work! I'm excited about what you'll be able to accomplish over the rest of this year." Plus on you, Doc!

This week, I took Mari Alice to her 2 year check-up. The nurse weighed her and congratulated her in a high pitched, sweet voice: "You are such a big girl! You weigh 32 pounds!" When I updated Philip on her stats, I realized 'I've lost a Mari'!Walking around in January was like walking through life carrying Mari on my hip. And now, I have figuratively set her down. For Good!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Good News

I excercised a total of 4 hours last week....not 6 days though.
I drank my water everyday but yesterday.
I stopped eating at 7 each night except one.

I lost 2 pounds this week putting my overall loss up to 31 pounds.

My mom bought me a dress in a brand new size!!! Thanks Mom!
I'm off to continue another week of healthy choices.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

All Alone in Loserville

Philip is "at goal weight". Tim is taking doctoral classes for another fortnight. I haven't the slightest clue where everyone else is. They said to meet them here. I believe I've been stood up.

The scale is not my truest friend these days. For two mornings this week, I was at my "new low number". But then it was up again, up again, feel like a hog.

This week I'm posting my quantitative, positively phrased, short-term goals.
I will drink 80 oz of H2O
I will exercise for at least 30 minutes 6 days
I will not eat after 7pm

We'll see if me, myself, and I can serve as adequate accountability. It's seems like a very small, but fun, group.

Less of me later...

Monday, July 7, 2008

Up and At'em

I'm sad to report a tiny little gain this week. Disciplined eating did NOT characterize my week, so my strenuous workouts only kept me from a complete blimp-out.

I'm back on track. It's like 117 degrees outside and I'm gonna go "burn" some disciplined calories. Better numbers next week.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Still losing

As of monday morning Eleanor and Jsck are still losing we lost one more pound this week.
We hope to keep it up till we reach our goal weights and then maintain it God willing. thanks for all the support.

Monday, June 30, 2008

The Big (though a little smaller now) Picture

January 4th, 2007 our precious Larah Mikal was born. The moment she popped out I realized that if I didn’t do something I would never see her graduate high school. No man in my direct line has made it past 50 and I was following that same course. I confessed my apathy and rebellion to God and asked Him for help in turning things around. That day, at 315 pounds, I decided to lose 100 pounds. At the conclusion of our BL contest I weighed 227 (27.94%). This morning I weigh 225 and am anxiously looking forward to misplacing the last 10 pounds. I anticipate that once I reach my goal of weighing 215 that I will probably extend the goal to the 200 mark. We will see. In addition to my weight goal I have two other goals on the horizon. August 4th I have a doctor’s appointment for a complete physical to see if I beat the cholesterol thing. Then, August 9th, I have been invited to run in a 10k for the Logger’s Jubilee here in our valley. I’ll let y’all know how it all goes. Thanks for helping me stay accountable through this blog. Hope all of you keep doing great.

Good Monday Morning

For the cyber record:
I lost 0.79% this week putting my overall percentage lost since Jan 2, 2008 at 12.82%. Yay God!

(I'm gonna fersure post until Labor Day...then we'll see)

"Every word of God is flawless; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him." Pr 30:5

Monday, June 23, 2008

What a Bunch of Losers!

Washington wins it.
Congratulations to Tim & Rebecca: they're taking home first prize! I am absolutely impressed with your success. Super work, guys.

Jason Soles skillfully kept Texas in the top two by shedding over 10% of his weight. Outstanding!

Arla Bowers plowed a steady row toward winning. What a wonderful job!

Team Weaver kicked it into overdrive to secure their much-deserved spot in the top five. They represent the "long-haul" Texans who've been hard at work since Jan 2. Y'all are amazing!

What can we say about the cutest couple in this joint? Jack & Eleanor did a fabulous job! You guys are inspiring. Congratulations on making the top five.

One tiny shout out to my good friend, Donnis. I dub you Queen of Maintenance! Great effort....breaking even was precisely what you aimed to do, huh? Good girl!

Hey people-- In 12 weeks we lost 252 lbs together as a giant team. That's what I'm talking about!

Teams Over All
1. WA Tim & Rebecca Walker 13.44%
2. TX Jason Soles 10.14%
3. WA Arla Bowers 9.09%
4. TX David & Jeannie Weaver 6.69%
5. WA Jack & Eleanor Fosburg 6.17%
6. WA Steve & Wanda Lindley 5.93%
7. WA Mitch Stuart 5.59%
8. TX Philip & Cari Johnson 4.84%
9. WA Connie Scott 4.55%
10. WA John & Dalene Pollman 3.85%
11. TX Stu Musick 3.72%
12. WA Beth Gill 1.72%
13. WA Jan Evans 0.43%
14. TX Donnis Henderson 0.00%

Week 12 Results

Get a load of Connie Scott!!! Everyone who lost this week should be pleased...cause there was an epidemic of weight gain (of whom I am chief). Even the gainers should be pleased. In our hearts we know we're losers, don't we?

Thanks for a fun ride!

Teams Weekly

Connie Scott 2.33%
David & Jeannie Weaver 1.58%
Tim & Rebecca Walker 1.41%
Jack & Eleanor Fosburg 1.12%
Arla Bowers 0.71%
Beth Gill 0.41%
Jan Evans 0.00%
Donnis Henderson (+)
Philip & Cari Johnson (+)
Steve & Wanda Lindley (+)
Stu Musick (+)
John & Dalene Pollman (+)
Jason Soles (+)
Mitch Stuart (+)

Keep it going?

Thanks to all of you for a great 12 weeks! Win, lose, or draw, this has been a great experience. I have appreciated the accountability and don’t know that I am willing to give that up just yet. If there is anyone else who would like to continue keeping each other accountable, Rebecca and I would be willing to post our continued percentage of loss each Monday (directly to the blog - we should probably let Cari off the hook). We both have weight goals that have not been met, and we certainly don’t want to spring back the other way. Let us know if you want to keep it up.

A special thanks to Cari. Thank you, sis, for doing all this. It was a great idea and you followed it up with your usual excellence in ministry. This has been a key element in helping Rebecca and I turn the corner on what I believe will be a new lifestyle from here on out. Thank you.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Next to Last!!!

Well, the "no reports" dominate this week's ranking. I gather there are a wide array of motivations and intentions fueling the mass failure to report. Rest assured! Though some things are not as they seem, next Monday morning will hold the moment of truth.

Now, How 'Bout Arla Bowers??? She appears to have secured a solid spot in the overall top 5. Tim and Rebecca have taken their lead out into the open, so to speak... Kim Dean seems to have a pretty good chance at winning back her entry fee. And with less than a tenth of a percentage point separating them, there may be a mild scuffle between the Weavers, Johnsons, and Fosburgs for "top 5" status. Six Days, and all will be revealed.

Even if you've fallen off the commitment wagon, I encourage you to hop back up just for 6 days. You can do it! If we each lost 1 little pound, that would be able to add 26 pounds to our group loss. Behold! The power of teamwork. No matter what you've experienced these last few weeks and months, we want you to finish strong.

Enjoy your week, everyone. Keep up the great work!

Teams Weekly

1. WA Arla Bowers 1.4%
2. WA Tim & Rebecca Walker 0.91%
3. WA Jack & Eleanor Fosburg 0.67%
4. WA Beth Gill 0.51%
5. TX Kim Dean 0.48%
6. TX Philip & Cari Johnson 0.41%
7. WA Jan Evans (+)
8. TX Melissa McCollum (+)
9. TX David & Jeannie Weaver (+)
Donnis Henderson nr
Steve & Wanda Lindley nr
Stu Musick nr
John & Dalene Pollman nr
David & Celina Rice nr
Connie Scott nr
Jason Soles nr
Mitch Stuart nr
John & Rebecca Thompson nr

Teams Over All
1. WA Tim & Rebecca Walker 12.19%
2. WA Arla Bowers 8.44%
3. TX Kim Dean 6.14%
4. TX David & Jeannie Weaver 5.19%
5. TX Philip & Cari Johnson 5.18%
6. WA Jack & Eleanor Fosburg 5.11%
7. WA Beth Gill 1.32%
8. WA Jan Evans 0.43%
Donnis Henderson nr
Steve & Wanda Lindley nr
Melissa McCollum nr
Stu Musick nr
John & Dalene Pollman nr
David & Celina Rice nr
Connie Scott nr
Jason Soles nr
Mitch Stuart nr
John & Rebecca Thompson nr

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Results Show June 9

Okay, here we go.
Teams Weekly

1. TX Jason Soles 1.83%
2. WA Jan Evans 1.74%
3. WA Arla Bowers 1.38%
4. TX Donnis Henderson 1.08%
5. TX Philip & Cari Johnson 0.91%
6. TX David & Jeannie Weaver 0.59%
7. WA Jack & Eleanor Fosburg 0.22%
8. WA Tim & Rebecca Walker 0.14%
9. TX Kim Dean 0.00%
10. WA Mitch Stuart (+)
WA Beth Gill nr
WA Steve & Wanda Lindley nr
TX Melissa McCollum nr
TX Stu Musick nr
WA John & Dalene Pollman nr
TX David & Celina Rice nr
WA Connie Scott nr
TX John & Rebecca Thompson nr

Teams Over All

1. WA Tim & Rebecca Walker 11.50%
2. TX Jason Soles 10.30%
3. WA Mitch Stuart 8.29%
4. WA Arla Bowers 7.14%
5. TX Kim Dean 5.68%
6. TX David & Jeannie Weaver 5.47%
7. TX Philip & Cari Johnson 4.79%
8. WA Jack & Eleanor Fosburg 4.47%
9. WA Jan Evans 1.74%
10. TX Donnis Henderson 0.00%
WA Beth Gill nr
WA Steve & Wanda Lindley nr
TX Melissa McCollum nr
TX Stu Musick nr
WA John & Dalene Pollman nr
TX David & Celina Rice nr
WA Connie Scott nr
TX John & Rebecca Thompson nr

Monday, June 2, 2008

Results Show for June 2

Well, blow me down! Who is that at the top of this week's numbers?? Could it be the fabulous couple who has been rocking number 10 the whole time??? Why, yes, it is! Those Johnsons even busted up one whole notch to number 9 overall. Unbelievable!

In other news: Soles, Walker, and Weaver are dominating the top 5 in both ranks again! I guess that's ok, if you're into consistency and stuff... Mitch and Arla are holding strong to their overall lead despite this week's holding pattern. Congrats to the Pollmans who had a nice showing this week as well.

Everyone else enjoyed life on the north side of the hill or campin' at the plateau...or they just didn't feel like talking about it. Only three more weeks to report. Let's get it in gear and finish strong! Run for the prize, people! (Not you, Tim, have a seat and eat a brownie, K?)

Teams Weekly
1. TX Philip & Cari Johnson 0.86%
2. TX Jason Soles 0.64%
3. WA Tim & Rebecca Walker 0.63%
4. TX David & Jeannie Weaver 0.44%
5. WA John & Dalene Pollman 0.36%
6. WA Mitch Stuart 0.00%
6. WA Jack & Eleanor Fosburg 0.00%
6. WA Arla Bowers 0.00%
9. TX David & Celina Rice (+)
9. WA Jan Evans (+)
9. TX Melissa McCollum (+)
9. TX Donnis Henderson (+)
WA Connie Scott nr
WA Steve & Wanda Lindley nr
WA Beth Gill nr
TX John & Rebecca Thompson nr
TX Kim Dean nr
TX Stu Musick nr

Teams Over All
1. WA Tim & Rebecca Walker 11.38%
2. WA Mitch Stuart 9.83%
3. TX Jason Soles 8.63%
4. WA Arla Bowers 5.84%
5. TX David & Jeannie Weaver 4.91%
6. TX Melissa McCollum 4.47%
7. WA Jack & Eleanor Fosburg 4.26%
8. WA John & Dalene Pollman 4.20%
9. TX Philip & Cari Johnson 3.91%
10. TX David & Celina Rice 3.55%
11. WA Jan Evans 0.00%
12. TX Donnis Henderson (+)
WA Steve & Wanda Lindley nr
WA Connie Scott nr
WA Beth Gill nr
TX John & Rebecca Thompson nr
TX Kim Dean nr
TX Stu Musick nr

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My Cheatin' Heart

As a five-month participant overall in Biggest Loser or Loserville, I consider myself an expert on the art of weight-loss (or at least an expert who is able to read and try what true experts suggest I guess...)

One big principle of "The Abs Diet," which my team is devoted to, is the "cheat meal." Yes, for one meal a week, we are allowed to eat anything we want, as much as we want. It can be breakfast, lunch, dinner, you name it -- just like old times.

The idea is that if you are allowed to indulge yourself every once in a while, you are able to focus more often on doing things right. It's kind of like rewarding your kids with pizza for doing work around the house (yes, I read your blog, CDJ!). You know at the end of the day there's going to be something you enjoy.

I try to reserve my cheat meals for Monday at lunch, specifically Chinese food. It's only a couple of hours after the weigh-in, and I get almost a full week of Abs Diet and workouts. It's also a reward for losing whatever small amount of poundage that might show up on the scale.

The funny thing now is that since we started this thing way back Jan. 2 I've found that I can't eat as much as I used to. I get physically ill when I stuff myself. It's like lap-band surgery without the lap-band. So even though I get my Chinese food or Tex-Mex occasionally, or even a big burger off the grill this past Monday, I don't gorge myself. My body won't allow it.

But the food is still good and I have no guilt eating it, no guilt at all, once a week.

Don't make it a cheat day, now. It's a cheat meal. One time. And if you are good the rest of the week with your choices and your physical activity, I guarantee you will continue to lose weight and feel good about yourself. And you won't have all those cravings all the time.

The cheat meal is actually what is keeping me sane through this process. Just thought I'd share it with everyone.

Adding Rice

No, this is not a carbolicious main dish recipe....

A glitch with my email prevented me from receiving Celina's timely report on Monday morning. She and David teamed up to lose 0.8% this week, giving them an overall loss of 3.59%. Team Rice ranked #6 for the week and bumped ahead (of the Johnsons) into the #11 spot overall. Way to Go, RICES!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Results Show #8

I trust every one had a memorable Memorial Day weekend. You guys are rockin' ain't ya?
Look at the Connie, the Fosburgs and the Weavers trompin' all up into the top five for this week! By crossing the 10% benchmark, The Washington Walkers reign overall. But remember: There's less than 5 percentage points spanning the top 5. It's still anybody's game. Keep rollin' and we'll check in with ya later in the week. (If you don't report one week, make sure you come one back the next week. Let me know if you have questions about the math. We just want you to be encouraged) We've lost over 200 lbs as a group.
Super job everybody!

This Week

1. WA Mitch Stuart 1.68%
2. WA Jack & Eleanor Fosburg 1.53%
3. WA Tim & Rebecca Walker 1.30%
4. WA Connie Scott 1.15%
5. TX David & Jeannie Weaver 0.83%
6. TX Kim Dean 0.72%
7. WA John & Dalene Pollman 0.48%
8. TX Jason Soles 0.25%
8. TX Philip & Cari Johnson 0.25%
10. WA Steve & Wanda Lindley 0.05%
11. TX Stu Musick 0.00%
11. WA Arla Bowers 0.00%
12. WA Beth Gill (+)
Jan Evans nr
Donnis Henderson nr
Melissa McCollum nr
David & Celina Rice nr
John & Rebecca Thompson nr

Over All

1. WA Tim & Rebecca Walker 10.82%
2. WA Mitch Stuart 9.83%
3. TX Stu Musick 8.37%
4. TX Jason Soles 8.04%
5. WA Steve & Wanda Lindley 6.17%
6. WA Arla Bowers 5.84%
7. TX Kim Dean 5.68%
8. TX David & Jeannie Weaver 4.49%
9. WA Jack & Eleanor Fosburg 4.26%
10. WA John & Dalene Pollman 3.85%
11. TX Philip & Cari Johnson 3.08%
12. WA Connie Scott 2.27%
13. WA Jan Evans 0.87%
14. WA Beth Gill 0.81%
Donnis Henderson nr
Melissa McCollum nr
David & Celina Rice nr
John & Rebecca Thompson nr

Monday, May 19, 2008

Results Show # whatever...I'm losing track

Here it is, y'all! Jason Soles saved the stinkin' day for Texas. (Shut-outs are not pleasant, I've heard) Melissa McCollum stepped up to help Jason represent the Lone Star State in the overall top 5. Other than that, it was all Washington, all day long. The Walkers are consistantly securing a spot near the top, with Mitch Stuart leading for the week. Congratulations to Arla and Beth who did an outstanding job this week!

Let' shall I phrase this?)'s loin-girding time, people! My stinky brother just might win this rig. Isn't there anything anyone can do? I've got to hear about this for the REST of my life....please....anyone? His resolve is causing a bit of a rebellion in my heart and I am prone to act upon such rebellious thoughts with ice cream and fritos. Help!

Funny story: Celina called today to say that she and David were having "technical difficulties". She said that she didn't have a report because their scale must be on the fritz because by all accounts they've lost over 10 pounds this week. She would have been thrilled to report those numbers....the only catch is that next week - with new batteries - the scale would reveal a painful reality. So this week they are "not reporting", but we'll be watching for some real, impressive numbers next week!

Thanks to everyone for being an encouragement along this journey toward health!

Teams Weekly
1. WA Mitch Stuart 2.06%
2. WA Tim & Rebecca Walker 1.37%
3. WA Arla Bowers 1.36%
4. WA Beth Gill 0.92%
5. TX Jason Soles 0.71%
6. WA John & Dalene Pollman 0.60%
7. TX Donnis Henderson 0.31%
8. TX Melissa McCollum 0.14%
9. TX David & Jeannie Weaver 0.05%
10.TX Kim Dean 0.00%
11.TX Philip & Cari Johnson 0.00%
12.WA Jack & Eleanor Fosburg (+)
13.WA Connie Scott (+)
Jan Evans nr
Steve & Wanda Lindley nr
David & Celina Rice nr
Stu Musick nr
John & Rebecca Thompson nr

Teams Over All
1. WA Tim & Rebecca Walker 9.64%
2. WA Mitch Stuart 8.29%
3. TX Jason Soles 7.81%
4. WA Arla Bowers 5.84%
5. TX Melissa McCollum 5.01%
6. TX Kim Dean 5.00%
7. TX David & Jeannie Weaver 3.70%
8. WA John & Dalene Pollman 3.38%
9. TX Philip & Cari Johnson 2.88%
10.WA Jack & Eleanor Fosburg 2.77%
11.WA Beth Gill 1.52%
12.WA Connie Scott 1.14%
13.TX Donnis Henderson 1.08%
Steve & Wanda Lindley nr
Jan Evans nr
David & Celina Rice nr
Stu Musick nr
John & Rebecca Thompson nr

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Dog Gone It

Y'all, I ate a hot dog tonight. Gross! What was I thinking? We were at a swim party. The grill smelled so good. They only had hot dogs. Tell me that a couple green apples and a ton of water over the next 36 hours will...uhm....remedy the situation. I am totally disgusted. Do you think my belly ache is psychosomatic?

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Results Show #6

The Walkers have dethroned the Musick Man! (but only by two hundredths of a percentage point, so we'll have to see how things pan out next week...) Congratulations Tim & Rebecca! Washingtonians seat the majority in both the weekly and overall top five. Way to go! Texans, we are smart enough and good enough and doggonit, people like us! Let's rev up those engines and get a running start for next Monday. (A little less cheesecake woudn't hurt, eh?)

As a combined group of bubs and sissies we have lost over 180 pounds! That's an entire person! You guys totally rock, and I'm so please to be a part of such a committed group!

Blog notice: The blog will be updated Wednesday so that any of our friends/family can read it.


Teams Weekly
Mitch Stuart 3.19%
Tim & Rebecca Walker 1.56%
Donnis Henderson 1.22%
Melissa McCollum 0.85%
John & Dalene Pollman 0.83%
Steve & Wanda Lindley 0.50%
Jan Evans 0.44%
Jason Soles 0.25%
Kim Dean 0.24%
Jack & Eleanor Fosburg 0.22%
Philip & Cari Johnson 0.10%
Arla Bowers 0.00% S
tu Musick 0.00%
David & Celina Rice (+)
David & Jeannie Weaver (+)
Connie Scott nr
Beth Gill nr

Teams Over All
1. WA Tim & Rebecca Walker 8.39%
2. TX Stu Musick 8.37%
3. TX Jason Soles 7.15%
4. WA Mitch Stuart 6.36%
5. WA Steve & Wanda Lindley 6.12%
6. TX Kim Dean 5.00%
7. TX Melissa McCollum 4.88%
8. WA Arla Bowers 4.55%
9. TX David & Jeannie Weaver 3.65%
10. WA Jack & Eleanor Fosburg 2.98%
11. TX Philip & Cari Johnson 2.88%
12. WA John & Dalene Pollman 2.80%
13. WA Connie Scott 1.70%
14. WA Jan Evans 0.87%
15. TX Donnis Henderson 0.77%
16. WA Beth Gill 0.61%
17. TX David & Celina Rice nr

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Today I Am....

Hungry! Very, very hungry!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Results Show #5

Teams Weekly

Mitch Stuart 3.46%
Stu Musick 1.35%
David & Jeannie Weaver 1.20%
Jason Soles 0.88%
Jack & Eleanor Fosburg 0.87%
Tim & Rebecca Walker 0.77%
Connie Scott 0.57%
Philip & Cari Johnson 0.20%
David & Celina Rice 0.02
Arla Bowers 0.00%
Steve & Wanda Lindley (+)
Beth Gill (+)
Jan Evans (+)
John & Dalene Pollman (+)

Teams Over All

Stu Musick 8.37%
Tim & Rebecca Walker 6.94%
Jason Soles 6.92%
Steve & Wanda Lindley 5.65%
Arla Bowers 4.55%
David & Jeannie Weaver 4.20%
David & Celina Rice 3.50%
Mitch Stuart 3.28%
Philip & Cari Johnson 2.79%
Jack & Eleanor Fosburg 2.77%
John & Dalene Pollman 1.98%
Connie Scott 1.70%
Beth Gill 0.61%
Jan Evans 0.43%

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Results Show #4


1. TX S. Musick 1.33
2. TX P&C Johnson 1.19
3. TX J. Soles 1.15
4. WA T&R Walker 0.94
4. TX K. Dean 0.94
6. TX D&J Weaver 0.86
7. WA B. Gill 0.71
8. WA A. Bowers 0.68
9. WA J&D Pollman 0.48
10. WA J. Evans 0.44
11. TX D&C Rice 0.34
12. WA J&E Fosburg 0.32
13. TX M. McCollum 0.00
13.WA C. Scott 0.00
13. WA M. Stuart 0.00
16. WA S&W Lindley (+)
17. TX D. Henderson (+)
18. TX J&R Thompson NR
19. TX J&K Walker NR

1. TX S. Musick 7.11
2. WA T&R Walker 6.21
3. TX J. Soles 6.10
4. WA S&W Lindley 5.81
5. TX M. McCollum 4.61
6. WA A. Bowers 4.55
7. TX D&C Rice 3.30
8. TX K. Dean 2.95
9. WA J&D Pollman 2.92
10. TX D&J Weaver 2.85
11. TX P&C Johnson 2.59
12. WA J&E Fosburg 1.91
13. WA C. Scott 1.14
14. WA B. Gill 0.91
15. WA J. Evans 0.87
16. TX D. Henderson 0.15
17. WA M. Stuart (+)
18. TX J&R Thompson NR
19. TX J&K Walker NR

Almond DEE-Lite

I found a new treasure! Emerald brand "cocoa roast almonds- dark chocolate flavor". My brother bought them at Sam's in a 38 oz jug. One serving (1 oz) has 6 g of carb, 3g of fiber, 6g of protein, and only 1 g of sugar. They still have the typical 13 g of fat, but I've gotten over my tendency to treat all fats equally. (plus I never eat a whole serving) Thought I'd share...

Monday, April 28, 2008


I heard about a health tip
eat these foods in your meals some where
1. whole grains
2. olive oil
3. tomatoes heat up not sure why.
4. nuts walnuts almonds.
5. red grapes
6. lots of water
it is to be more healthy for you and keeps
your skin looking younger.
everyone keep up your good work/////.......

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Results Show #3

This Week ENDING (4/21)
1.WA Steve & Wanda Lindley 2.59%
2.TX Melissa McCollum 1.54%
3.TX Jason Soles 1.29%
4.TX Kim Dean 1.16%
5.WA Tim & Rebecca Walker 1.01%
6.TX John & Rebecca Thompson 1.00%
7.WA Jack & Eleanor Fosburg 0.96%
8.TX David & Celina Rice 0.77%
9.WA Arla Bowers 0.67%
10.WA Connie Scott 0.57%
11.TX Donnis Henderson 0.46%
12.TX David & Jeannie Weaver 0.43%
13.WA Beth Gill 0.20%
14.TX Stu Musick 0.00%
15.WAJan Evans 0.00%
16.WA Mitch Stuart 0.00%
17.WA John & Dalene Pollman (+)
18.TX Philip & Cari Johnson (+)
19.TX Josh & Kathy Walker NR

1.WA Steve & Wanda Lindley 5.93%
2.TX Stu Musick 5.86%
3.WA Tim & Rebecca Walker 5.33%
4.TX Jason Soles 5.08%
5.TX Melissa McCollum 4.61%
6.WA Arla Bowers 3.90%
7.TX David & Celina Rice 2.98%
8.WA John & Dalene Pollman 2.45%
9.TX Kim Dean 2.05%
10TX. David & Jeannie Weaver 2.01%
11.WA Jack & Eleanor Fosburg 1.60%
12.TX Philip& Cari Johnson 1.42%
13.WA Connie Scott 1.14%
14.TX John & Rebecca Thompson 1.00%
15.TX Donnis Henderson 0.46%
16.WA Jan Evans 0.43%
17.WA Beth Gill 0.20%
18.WA Mitch Stuart (+)
19.TX Josh & Kathy Walker NR

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Down To Business

Okay, just so you'll know... I've recommitted myself to the competition. Everything I've read in the "Abs Diet," purchased as a non-birthday, non-anniversary, non-Christmas gift by my teammate this week just for me, says you MUST build muscle to chase away fat.

I had my first workout in the gym today in years, and so far I'm happy with the results (see picture).

Can't wait for the weigh-in next week.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Results Show #2

This Week ENDING (4/14)
1.WA John & Dalene Pollman 2.11%
2.WA Steve & Wanda Lindley 1.92%
3.WA Tim & Rebecca Walker 1.90%
4.TX Stu Musick 1.32%
4.WA Arla Bowers 1.32%
6.TX Melissa McCollum 0.97%
7.TX Jason Soles 0.96%
8.TX Philip & Cari Johnson 0.94%
9.TX Kim Dean 0.91%
10.WA Jack & Eleanor Fosburg 0.64%
11.WA Connie Scott 0.57%
12.WA Jan Evans 0.43%
13.TX David & Jeannie Weaver 0.28%
14.TX David & Celina Rice 0.19%
15.TX John & Rebecca Thompson 0.00%
16.WA Beth Gill (+)
17.WA Mitch Stuart (+)
18.TX Donnis Henderson NR
19.TX Josh & Kathy Walker NR

1.TX Stu Musick 5.86%
2.WA Tim & Rebecca Walker 4.36%
3.TX Jason Soles 3.76%
4.WA Steve & Wanda Lindley 3.43%
5.WA Arla Bowers 3.25%
6.TX Melissa McCollum 3.12%
7.WA John & Dalene Pollman 2.68%
8.TX David & Celina Rice 2.22%
9.TX Philip & Cari Johnson 2.05%
10TX. David & Jeannie Weaver 1.59%
11.TX Kim Dean 0.91%
12.WA Jack & Eleanor Fosburg 0.64%
13.WA Connie Scott 0.57%
14.WA Jan Evans 0.43%
15.TX John & Rebecca Thompson 0.00%
16.WA Beth Gill (+)
17.WA Mitch Stuart (+)
18.TX Donnis Henderson NR
19.TX Josh & Kathy Walker NR

From Eleanor

Hi everyone on the loser Blogger.

Here is a picture of Jack and me . Eleanor.
I belive Jack and I are the oldest of our bunch.

This is so much fun. Iam sure we will all do good

well. If we keep our eyes on god first.

Tim has been keeps us all on our toes,and encourages

us every week.

Tim & Rebecca has the greatest bunch of kids we

have ever been around. We have adopted them as our children to. So we are just grandpa Jack
and grandma Eleanor.
Would of gave anything to of be as knowable when we were raiseing our ten children they all turned out be great kids. they all know the Lord some are more closer then others.
This week has been nice , in the 70's. It rains in the nightand every thing is green and the
flowers are coming up they are so pretty.
Ya'all keep up the good work cause uses out here are sure working hard to.
Thank you for the invite.
God Bless each and every one of you Jack & Eleanor

Thursday, April 10, 2008


On a more serious note, it is really good to be a part of this contest. I love that we can come together across all these miles to help encourage each other. Here is a fairly recent family picture and a fun one of Rebecca and me. We are already having a great time eating healthy and exercising, looking forward to the rest of the contest. And listen here, all y’all “Hook ‘Em Horns” Texicans! We Washington folks don’t just jump into things. Lake o’ The Pines stays between 70-90 degrees year round. Our waters flow directly from glaciers! We ease into things. It’s a cultural thing. But, mark my words, long after you southern sissies are sitting on the beach sipping grape juice coolers singing kumbaya, we will still be in the water - somewhat blue, horribly wrinkly, and experiencing multiple levels of cardiac trauma - but we still be swimming. All that to say, great job guys! Keep up the good work!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


My sister (Cari) has been hounding me to post a "before picture" for our contest. Here is a picture from last summer at one of our summer community ministry programs. We were hosting an assortment of outdoor games for the neighborhood kids. I actually lost this race by quite a large margin, but we had a good time and we were able to share the Gospel with several families. As you can see, I plan to continue jogging as part of my plan to be the biggest loser. I suppose eating healthy will have to come in eventually, but the jogging for now. If you see me out there pound'n the pavement, give me a big thumbs-up.

From the House of Musick...

Hi, I'm Lauren, wife of the infamous winner of Week 1, Stu! He's a little leary of these blogs so it's doubtful you will ever hear from him. I, on the other hand, have been in the ministry for 10 years and was a PK all my life before that, so I haven't the slightest idea what privacy is nor do I require it:) I wish you all the best of luck and would be joining you in this contest, at least half-heartedly, if we hadn't just found out we're going to have quite the Thanksgiving gift this year!! Yay for positive pregnancy tests and morning sickness at 3 PM! Keep up the great work and watch out for my husband, he doen't have me weighing him down this go round!

Monday, April 7, 2008

The Sound of Musick?

You don't know how long I've waited to use that one, Stu!!

Nice job this week -- but I must remind you of this one important fact about competing in Loserville: it's a marathon, not a sprint!

Just getting started again on our end -- well, I'm just getting started. My wife Jeannie has been pretty gung-ho since New Year's. I've only been sort of gung I guess.

Good start for all and Stu has thrown down the thunder, so to speak. At least now we know who we're chasing. Sort of like the Patriots last year...and we all know how that turned out.

And also, Hook 'Em Horns. (That's a cheer for us folks down here, by the way). Good luck next week everyone.


Results Show #1

Way to go STU MUSICK for simply busting a stinking move!
Congrats to Tim & Rebecca Walker who reign in the great state of Washington.
I must mention that it appears Texans hold 4 out of the top 5 spots. hmmmm.

1. Stu Musick 4.60% tx
2. Jason Soles 2.72% tx
3. Tim & Rebecca Walker 2.50% wa
4. Melissa McCollum 2.17% tx
5. David & Celina Rice 2.03% tx
6. Arla Bowers 1.95% wa
7. Steve & Wanda Lindley 1.51% wa
8. David & Jeannie Weaver 1.31% tx
9. Philip & Cari Johnson 1.12% tx
10.John & Dalene Pollman 0.58% wa
11.Mitch Stuart 0.19% wa
12.Jan Evans 0.00% wa
12.Eleanor Fosburg 0.00% wa
12.Connie Scott 0.00% wa
Beth Gill (no report) wa
John & Rebecca Thompson (no report) tx

Make another great week!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Rebecca Walker

Midlife insomnia, huh? That phrase hit me hard today. Those words were written by Cari, but we are only two months apart in age. If she is midlife, then I must be also. I can handle the insomnia part, but midlife? I have never acknowledged the fact that I am considered midlife. Wow!

Anyway, here I am...a member of Loserville. Tim and I are doing it together and are so excited. Tim will be good for the competitive side of this ordeal and I will be good at passing along a bit of encouragement. I will post a picture of us soon.
Looking forward to getting to know you,


I have been sporadically working out, running, attempting to eat well over the last 10 years, that's probably what has prevented me from becoming the typical overweight preacher boy, yet I've never turned the corner to true health. Health that leads to freedom from the image I see in the mirror. Health that frees me to relate to everyone no matter their body shape, size, or lack thereof. I so want to be in tune with the Christ who lives in me, who lives with me, who lives all around me, so that I might embrace myself, my family, my world not based on terms relative to my judgements of them but an embrace that is based on the purpose of my being, based on why Jesus abides in my heart, why He died and now is yearning to be known through those of us who are His own. I want to be free, free to hear Him, free to act upon His words, free to be the me He created me to be. God has spoken to me and His words are, "Where are you?" In that little question I have found an invitation to come out of my little depressed creation into the openess of His world. An invitation to be restored to purpose and love and relationships like I've never known. I'm just sharing what's happening. Competively I want to win all your money. But in my heart something much grander is taking place. May we be blessed to listen for the God who still speaks in the breezes and raindrops of Spring.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Welcome Losers!

You can check this blog to see weekly rankings, and hear some friendly rants and raves from fellow competitors. You still need to email your percentages to CDJ on Monday mornings, but the group report will be posted here...for all the world to see, so to speak.

If you wish, feel free to post your thoughts, struggles, and moments of victories here as well. If you find a tasty recipe or powerful scripture, I hope you'll share with the group.

More later