Sunday, July 20, 2008

All Alone in Loserville

Philip is "at goal weight". Tim is taking doctoral classes for another fortnight. I haven't the slightest clue where everyone else is. They said to meet them here. I believe I've been stood up.

The scale is not my truest friend these days. For two mornings this week, I was at my "new low number". But then it was up again, up again, feel like a hog.

This week I'm posting my quantitative, positively phrased, short-term goals.
I will drink 80 oz of H2O
I will exercise for at least 30 minutes 6 days
I will not eat after 7pm

We'll see if me, myself, and I can serve as adequate accountability. It's seems like a very small, but fun, group.

Less of me later...


Megan said...

aww... how sad! Cute picture with less of you!

I went walking this morning all by my lonesome around the kampground -well china was with me, but that doesn't count! :)


Mandy said...

Your strength inspires me. Keep up the hard work. You look great! I've been counting "points" for exactly one week and am ready to shred the book! However, I will follow your lead & continue to strive for a better me. Love Ya!

Kathy said...

You're beautiful - inside and out! Be encouraged because two more have been inspired because of Loserville....Emily and I are on our way. Hopefully I'll lose the 20 lbs I've gained since moving here!