Monday, July 7, 2008

Up and At'em

I'm sad to report a tiny little gain this week. Disciplined eating did NOT characterize my week, so my strenuous workouts only kept me from a complete blimp-out.

I'm back on track. It's like 117 degrees outside and I'm gonna go "burn" some disciplined calories. Better numbers next week.

1 comment:

Tim Walker said...

Good job on keeping the workouts going. I am trying to increase my running distance systematically in hopes of running in the August 10k. Keep it up. I will be gone and away from my scale until August. I will continue to check in on the blog but won’t be able to enter a weight until August. Pray for me that the stress and crazy schedule during school won’t be an excuse to get off track. I feel confident that I am focused and motivated, but being a student of history causes me some concern. I would appreciate your prayers.